Mind Coach Priyanka Row

I am not a Counsellor, I do not do talk therapy sessions.

I am not a Therapist, I do not perform therapy on clients.

As a Mind Coach, I help my clients with tools to be resilient on a daily basis, without requiring any therapy or coaching intervention, to live a rewarding life. In short, I don't teach you how to eat the fish, I teach you how to fish.
I have spent over 17 years studying the human mind. This journey has taught me tools from Ancient Vedic Sciences of the East & Contemporary Western Techniques from the fields of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Energy Psychology, Energy Medicine, Belief Clearing and Subconscious Mind Programming.

Today I'm not just a Mind Coach or a Practioner of certifed techniques. But a ‘purposepreneur’ chosen to be one and my purpose is to help others be self sufficient.

Priyanka has worked with over 3000+ clients and done over 6500+ coaching hours across 45 different cities around the globe.

Mind Coach Priyanka Row

My name is Priyanka Row, and as a pioneer of mind coaching in India, i've worked with over 3500+ clients across 63 cities & 5 Countries. Over 600+ students have taken my masterclass giving it a rating of 9.5/10 with students saying it was a life changing session. Come join me in my upcoming masterclass to release fears, limiting beliefs and trauma in your subconscious and unleash your new identity

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